Young Greens US - Actions

Young Greens US - Actions

image of Young Greens US - Actions

Youth are always the spark of systemic change in society.

To this end, the Green Party's Youth Caucus regularly takes coordination actions from the local to national level that reflect the party's 10 Key Values and our caucus emphases on anti-capitalism, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialism. 

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date with our latest actions. 


Youth are always the spark of systemic change in society.

To this end, the Green Party's Youth Caucus regularly takes coordination actions from the local to national level that reflect the party's 10 Key Values and our caucus emphases on anti-capitalism, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialism. 

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date with our latest actions. 


Demand the Release of Ahed Tamimi

Join us in emailing your Representative and Senators asking them to demand the release of Ahed Tamimi and to stop all funding for Israel until such instances of systemic violations of human rights cease. 

Tamimi, a 16-year old Palestinian, was detained after Israeli soldiers shot her 14-year old cousin at close range with a rubber bullet. Upon entering the yard of her family's home, Ahed confronted the soldiers. Ahed at no point posed a real threat to the soldiers who committed unnecessary violence against her cousin. She remains in Israeli detention while facing repeated interrogations.


Compose your email

Email Tips +

--At minimum, make sure to customize the greeting to include your congresspersons names.

--Use the defaul message as a template and elaborate with your opinions or other details that you wish to share.